The Phantom Inker




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I find it very interesting that of the women who comment on my artwork, their largest complaint is that the female characters' breasts are often visible or large. Their complaint is not that the poor girl's been turned into a bizarre monster with a butt the size of a European car, no, the complaint is almost always, gee, I love the picture, but can you get rid of the boobs?

I'm convinced that women don't like having breasts, and many of them (my fiancée included) have said point-blank that they don't like 'em. (Personally, I don't like 'em this big either, but, well, I'm a guy, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't like 'em at all.)

So ladies, this one's for you. Sort of.

(I promise I'll draw a hot guy for you all sooner or later!)

A couple hours' worth of quick sketching produced this fun little one-panel comic. Done entirely in CorelDRAW, with a super-quick coloring style I haven't really tried before. It's not perfect, but the result doesn't look too bad.

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