Privacy and Legal Policies
So, look, let's get this straight. I don't track you. I don't want your data. I don't want that responsibility. This is a personal, private art site, with nothing for sale except ideas. So this should be pretty straightforward, 'kay?
Privacy Policy
Your visits may show up in my website logs. This site does not store any personally-identifiable information about you, and I don't keep the website logs for any longer than my host (Dreamhost) automatically does on my behalf. Some non-personally-identifiable information, such as the number of times a picture was viewed, may be recorded in my database. I use "https" on this site (an encrypted connection, with a certificate from ) so that nobody else can see what you're looking at, which makes it harder for anyone else to use my site to record information about you too.
Cookie Policy
My website may temporarily store cookies on your computer to make your browsing experience better: This is mostly so that when you change settings on the site while browsing, the site can remember whatever settings you picked. The cookies expire automatically after a few days. No personally-identifiable information is stored in any of the cookies.
Third-Party Content
I do use some third-party fonts from Google, who appears to install tracking cookies on your computer. Those cookies follow whatever Google's tracking policies follow. (I may at some point in the future change how this is set up so that there are no third-party cookies at all on this site.) Despite these fonts and cookies, Google does not know what content you're looking at on my site: Only that you visited it.
Government and Legal Compliance
I make a reasonable attempt on this site to restrict content accessible to minors, but on the Internet, that's nearly impossible to do perfectly; the site provides "mature content" warnings but must rely on a viewer self-reporting that they are old enough to see the content past the warning.
I will comply with any lawful government request for information (issued by a government with suitable jurisdiction), but since I don't store any information, I really don't know why they'd ask me for it or what they'd expect to get.
I have never received a government request for information about any visitor to or usage of this site.
GDPR Compliance
Since I don't store any personal data about you, there's nothing to delete. I don't collect your data, I don't have your data, and I don't want your data. Simple as that.
Unless stated otherwise, everything on this site is my own content, created from scratch — from the art to the text to the code that displays it. If you think you have found a copyright or license violation, you're welcome to contact me and state your case.
That said, I don't mind people distributing my art! It's flattering, really. If you want to save a copy, or distribute a copy of any work, please just make sure the "" logo in the corner remains intact, and tell me so I can see where it's been shared. I generally don't mind derivative works, either, although I please ask that you be respectful.
AI, NFTs, and other Modern Technologies
Yes, you have permission to use any or all of my art to train your AI. I don't see it as a copyright violation. So feel free to download everything and train away! AI art is an interesting thing, and I don't agree with those artists who say it'll put us all out of business. I think it has a lot of potential as a collaborative tool, to make everyone more productive, myself included, so go ahead and train your AI on anything you see here.
I don't do NFTs, crypto, or Web3. Period. Ever. They're all a scam. If you bought an NFT of my art, it was unauthorized, and you were ripped off, and you own nothing.
Open Source
Some parts of this site are dependent on open-source software, which have their own licenses:
- This site is written in Python
- It uses MySQL for data storage
- It uses Apache to serve the site
- It runs on Linux
Other code used by this site:
- JavaScript: jQuery DOM enhancements
- JavaScript: spin.js spinners
- JavaScript: markdown-it markdown parser
- Python: Mako template engine
- Python: Pillow image manipulation
Questions and Contact
If you have questions about any of this, the best way to ask me is via a Note on deviantART.